
Showing posts from January, 2024

Free Access to GPT-4 With Bing AI: How does it work?

2-3 min read  •  If you're a fan of chatbots, artificial intelligence, or creative writing, you might have heard of GPT-4, the latest and most advanced language model from OpenAI. GPT-4 can generate, edit, and iterate on text for various purposes, such as composing songs, writing screenplays, or learning a user's writing style. It can also handle multimodal inputs and outputs, such as images and voice, and solve difficult problems with greater accuracy than any previous model. But how can you access this amazing technology? Do you need to pay a hefty fee, sign up for a complicated API, or wait for a long time to get approved? The answer is no. Thanks to Bing AI, you can now access GPT-4 for free, right from your web browser or mobile device. Bing AI is a new product from Microsoft that integrates GPT-4 with Bing search engine and Edge browser, to deliver better search, more complete answers, a new chat experience, and the ability to generate high quality content. How does Bing

The Future of Work: Humans, Robots, and Everything in Between

2-3 min read  •  AI has undoubtedly changed the landscape of our work and jobs with tools such as ChatGPT and Bard being able to generate text for any purpose; Dall-E, Midjourney and the like being able to generate images that graphic designers would charge a fortune for; and many others integrating AI's capabilities with day-to-day tasks to increase productivity.  But what does this mean for the job market? AI has the capability to do almost anything that people are paying others to do, so how will these new tools affect work and job security? Humans and Machines While headlines nowadays scream "AI Steals Jobs," a closer look reveals the full equation. A recent McKinsey Global Institute report (as of October 27, 2023) states— AI will automate up to 800 million jobs by 2030, but will also create 950 million new ones.  AI will easily replace the repetitive, monotonous jobs in our world, leaving us humans to take on the more skilled, creative work. There is no reason to com

5 AI Tools that Will Supercharge Your Youtube Game in 2024

2-3 min read  •  In the ever-evolving world of YouTube, staying ahead of the curve can feel like chasing a speedy butterfly. But what if you had a secret weapon: a squad of AI assistants ready to streamline your workflow and boost your channel's performance? Buckle up, because we're unveiling the top 5 AI tools that'll make you a YouTube Jedi in no time. 1. VidIQ: Your AI Sensei of YouTube Mastery Think of VidIQ as your Yoda, offering sage advice and actionable insights. This platform packs a punch with data-driven tools, from keyword research and competitor analysis to SEO optimization and video performance predictions. Its secret sauce? AI-powered insights that help you crack the YouTube algorithm and land in those coveted search results. Want to know which video thumbnail will skyrocket your click-through rate? VidIQ tells you. Curious about optimizing your title for maximum visibility? Ask your AI sensei. With VidIQ by your side, you'll be strategizing like a pro an

Demystifying Cryptocurrency: A Dive into the Digital Age of Money

4-5 min read  •  Cryptocurrency has been one of the most revolutionizing inventions in the field of finance, furthering the advancements of the digital age of money and helping everything from small money transfers between friends to large-scale management of funds for businesses. But how does it work, and what differentiates cryptocurrency from the traditional finance system that we typically use? In this post, I'll be going into detail on what exactly cryptocurrency is, how it works, and why it could be the new future of currency, potentially undermining the effectiveness of the money that we typically use now. What is Cryptocurrency? To understand what cryptocurrency is, let's look at our money system hundreds of years ago.  Back then, to buy anything, you wouldn't use bills, card, or any form of modern payment. Instead, you would take some bronze, silver, or gold and use that as payment. This was effective because silver and gold are valuable and rare resources, so its

Beyond the Hype: Evaluating Google Gemini and GPT-4

2-3 min read  •  Chat-GPT is one of the most symbolic achievements in our history thus far, marking the beginning of the AI revolution. OpenAI, the company behind the Chat-GPT's success, has upgraded its model to GPT-4, an AI with reasoning abilities far beyond the power of it's predecessor along with the ability to take in visual inputs as well as the ability to output AI-generated images.  However, as powerful as this AI may be, it is not without competition. Google has created its own AI powerhouse, Google Gemini, that confronts the abilities of GPT-4 head on.  While both models boast extraordinary capabilities and lead the AI industry together, each model has its own strengths and weaknesses, and in this post I will uncover the strengths and weaknesses of both Google Gemini and GPT-4 so that you know which AI is more suited to your needs. Note: The information in this blog is updated as of January 7th, 2024— the day that I am writing this. There may be technological advance

Beyond Labels: The Power and Potential of Unsupervised Learning

2-3 min read  •  In the expansive realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), where discussions often gravitate towards supervised learning, the spotlight now shifts towards the intriguing domain– unsupervised learning. Let's dive into the intricacies of unsupervised learning, unraveling its methodologies, applications, and the uncharted territories it navigates without the constraints of predefined labels. Navigating the Autonomous Landscape of Unsupervised Learning As we dive into the core of unsupervised learning, its autonomy becomes particularly fascinating. Unlike its more rule-bound counterpart, supervised learning, which I discussed in a prior post, it boldly navigates the data landscape without predetermined answers. This autonomous approach empowers the AI model to identify patterns, relationships, and intrinsic structures within the dataset, unlocking new possibilities. Decoding Techniques: Beyond Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction At the heart of unsupervised learning l

A Dive into Supervised Learning for Neural Networks: How do AI Models Learn?

4-5 min read  •  At this point in our lives, almost everyone knows how powerful AI has become. Not even 2 or 3 years ago, we couldn't even fathom the idea of a piece of technology being able to creatively and originally generate even a few lines of text, let alone a full essay. Now, such power among AI models is commonplace and ceases to impress us.  However, no one bothers to think about how these AI models work in the first place. How are they so powerful? What logical mechanics cause Artificial Intelligence to come to life and provide us with accurate responses to never-before-seen inputs?  In this post, I will be discussing the logical intricacies of neural networks, the pioneer of AI's seemingly endless power, and how that is being used today to power the AI revolution. Note that this post discusses supervised learning , a process where the AI is trained on labeled datasets. This means that the AI learns from the answers that we provide to generate its own answers instead

Top 10 Best AI Tools for Productivity and Day-To-Day Use

3-4 min read  •  AI is automating almost everything we do nowadays. Need a creative name for a website? Chat GPT can output 10 stunning names in half the time that you could think of even one. Need the actual website built itself? There's an AI that can do that in the time that one would finish a cup of coffee. The point is, Artificial Intelligence is inevitably creeping its way into our lives bit by bit, and the day is not far where the skill of operating and building an AI model to perform a task will be of greater value than the skill of performing the task itself.  The skill of knowing how to utilize AI to complete tasks that we don't want to do to is increasingly growing in importance. That being said, I'll be discussing 10 of the best AI tools that would benefit productivity and day to day use, along with some tools that are plain fun to mess around with. 10. Copy AI Copy AI is a powerful content creation AI that specializes in copywriting and text for your brand or w

A Dive into the Heart of AI Ethics: Balancing Innovation and Responsibility

2-3 min read  •  Since the beginning of 2023, AI has been taking the world by storm, from running models such as ChatGPT—the main attraction of Artificial Intelligence's power—to even pioneering autonomous vehicles.  However, as awe-inspiring as these advancements in our technology may seem,  it is important to note the ethical considerations that come with it.  The Main Concern  One of the most concerning faucets of Artificial Intelligence ethics is the bias within these AI models. AI systems are trained on sets of data, and these systems go through this data and make connections as to what is "right" and what is "wrong."  Think about it—if a developing baby was taught that a certain minority is "bad" and "ugly," then the child will live their whole life having a stereotype against that minority.  The same principle applies to AI models as well, especially given that they are built to mimic how us humans learn and develop connections. If an